Love Yourself (and Ab Workout) Challenge

Practicing self-love is the most powerful thing we can do to improve our lives.

You've heard the quote, "Before you can love anyone, you have to love yourself."  But perhaps we have become desensitized to this idea and the true power in loving ourselves, just as we are.

I want to challenge you to love yourself. 

Every day for 10 days we are going to look ourselves in the mirror without judgement, without criticism, without comparison, without regret.  Every day we are going to complete a simple task of self-love... and mean it.

And for a little extra fun, we will be giving you a daily ab workout to help spark your energy and investment in yourself and your physical health!

Are you ready to focus on yourself, inside and out, for ten days? If so, join our group HERE on Facebook!

"Loving yourself does not make you vain or self-absorbed, it makes you indestructible."
